Continuous monitoring of the PC and Internet market, Internet use and visits to websites on the basis of a sound, representative sample for Austria as a whole and for Internet users.
Data about the survey
- Total population aged 14 and over ~ 7,877,000 persons
Internet users aged 14 and over ~ 7,168,000 persons
Survey period:
- January to December, continuous
Sample/ total year:
- n=4,000 interviews per year, of which approx. 3,600 with Internet users
Type of survey:
- Hybrid sample, composition: 79% online interviews (frequent Internet users) and 21% by telephone (infrequent Internet users and offliners)
Survey content
- Availability of devices in the household, personal use of devices, technical equipment
- Frequency of Internet use, provider, activities on the Internet, media use on the Internet, online shopping, social media
Quarterly deeper dives
I. Quarter:
- OS, wearables, information channels politics/economy, podcasts
II. Quarter:
- Browser, data volume, online spendings, influencers, Smart Home
III. Quarter:
- Equipment, time spent online, wearables, use of devices, podcasts
IV. Quarter:
- Internet security, influencers, Smart Home, homeoffice
Scope of delivery
The reports are produced semi-annually and delivered in July and January. In addition to cross tables, the reports include a graphical presentation of the data as well as a brief summary of the key findings.