Sinus-Milieus® Austria

The milieu structure of Austrian society was first examined in 2001 in a broad-based qualitative and quantitative study. INTEGRAL has been adapting the model to the social trends in Austria ever since. We published the new Sinus-Milieu model for Austria in October 2022 (see also current press release), which is only available in German language.

Social Status Upper class / Upper middle-class Middle middle-class Lower middle-class /Lower class Tradition Sense of Duty,Order Individualization, Self-actualization, Pleasure Multi-Options,Pragmatism Re-focussing,New syntheses Modernisation Re-orientation Basic Orientation Traditionals10% Consumption-Orientated9% Hedonists11% NostalgicMiddle Class12% Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class14% ProgressiveRealists7% Performers9 % Post-Materialists11% CosmopolitanIndividualists6% Conservative-Established11%


The classical, structurally conservative elite


The cosmopolitan critics of society and “Zeitgeist”


The globally-oriented and forward-thinking modern elite

Cosmopolitan Individualists

The individualistic lifestyle avant-garde

Progressive Realists

The drivers of social change

Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class

The flexible and benefit-oriented mainstream

Nostalgic Middle Class

The system-critical former mainstream


The older generation, who love security and order


The lower class, which strives for orientation and participation


The spontaneous, experience-hungry (lower) middle class

Tip: Click on a sinus milieu for a brief description

Sinus-Milieus Short description
Leading milieus

The classical, structurally conservative elite


The cosmopolitan critics of society and “Zeitgeist”


The globally-oriented and forward-thinking modern elite

Milieus of the future
Cosmopolitan Individualists

The individualistic lifestyle avant-garde

Progressive Realists

The drivers of social change

The current and former mainstream
Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class

The flexible and benefit-oriented mainstream

Nostalgic Middle Class

The system-critical former mainstream

Milieus of the lower middle and lower class

The older generation, who love security and order


The lower class, which strives for orientation and participation


The spontaneous, experience-hungry (lower) middle class

The Sinus-Milieus are integrated into the Austrian Consumer Analysis and the TV audience panel Teletest.

The Sinus-Milieus® in ÖVA

Detailed knowledge of target groups is becoming increasingly relevant for success in marketing. This applies to both strategic and operational work.
To this end, we offer insights into the purchasing and communication behavior as well as the values and attitudes of consumers. In cooperation with IMAS International, the extensive analysis options for the Austrian Consumer Analysis (ÖVA) have been expanded to include the special in-depth understanding of the Sinus-Milieus®.

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Further information on the Sinus-Milieus® in Austria

Successful product planning, brand management and communication require a comprehensive and precise understanding of the target group. The Sinus-Milieus are a powerful and proven planning tool that considers the value orientations and lifestyles of consumers.

Information packages Austria

In our information packages we have prepared the most important information on the Sinus-Milieus and on various special topics. Here, respective questions and market conditions are analyzed according to Sinus-Milieus and the results are presented in detail.

If you order more than one package, you can benefit from our attractive combined prices.

Basic Package Austria
1.800 euros plus VAT

The basic information package Austria contains fundamental information (in words and pictures) about the Sinus-Milieus. With this information you will be able to work competently and comprehensively with the individual target groups.
Only available in German language …

Information package (information in German)

Media Package Austria
1,800 euros plus VAT

On more than 200 pages, you will learn details about the media use of the individual milieus in pictures and text.
Only available in German language …

Information package (information in German)

Lifeworlds Package Austria
2,700 euros plus VAT

On more than 400 pages, you will be taken on a journey through the lifeworlds of the individual milieus in pictures and text.
Only available in German language …

Information package (information in German)

Booklet "Stimmungslage Herbst 2022"
790 Euro zzgl. Mwst.

Der Bericht enthält Informationen zur aktuellen Stimmungslage in Österreich.

zum Booklet

Booklet "Spenden Herbst 2022"
600 Euro zzgl. Mwst.

Der Bericht enthält Informationen zum aktuellen Spendenverhalten in Österreich.

Zum Booklet

Booklet "Trends"
800 Euro zzgl. Mwst.

Der Bericht beschreibt die Entwicklung der österreichischen Leitwerte.

Zum Booklet

Information Package "Youth"
1,900 euros plus VAT

The report contains textual descriptions and visual material as well as results from our quantitative research.
Only available in German language …

Information package (information in German)


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Would you like to develop new ideas with us or put study results directly into action? With our comprehensive range of workshops, we put data and insights into action. In half-day or full-day events, we take a close look at your current challenges and make your offerings and services fit for the future.

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